
Differences Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Differences Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

In Beijing Hou Liping Rheumatoid Hospital, Hou’s Therapy is created by more than 100 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctors leading my Dr. Hou Liping. Hou’s Therapy is widely used in China to treat more than 170 kinds of arthritis. According to different physique and types of arthritis, doctors make suitable treatment plan. This is a new treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis patients in foreign counties. Below I am going to introduce you the difference between Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
1. Rheumatoid arthritis is commonly carrying among middle aged women. Osteoarthritis is commonly carrying by women after 50 years old.
2. Basic pathology of rheumatoid arthritis is Synovitis while Osteoarthritis is degeneration and proliferation of joints cartilage.
3. Rheumatoid arthritis shows characteristics such as continuity, symmetry and progress. Without effective treatment, seldom patients can get cured. However, Osteoarthritis patients should short arthritic symptoms and can be relieved after good rest.
4. Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients show morning stiffness over one hour while Osteoarthritis patients usually have less than half an hour.
5. Rheumatoid arthritis patients show positive rheumatoid factor but Osteoarthritis show negative.
6. X-rays of RA usually shows damage of joint cartilage while Osteoarthritis shows proliferation of joint cartilage.
7. RA patients need long-term anti-inflammation medicine and physical treatment. Joints pain is a common symptom for different kinds of arthritis. Some of them are difficult to distinguish, which requires experienced clinical experience and professional knowledge. Good treatment result depends on accurate diagnosis and taking proper treatment.
