
How to Exercise to Relieve Shoulder Pain

As we know that common western medicines for Arthritis can cause some side effects which may server the illness condition. Hou's Therapy emphasizes the positive function of exercise in treating arthritis. Hou's Motortherapy can activate qi and blood circulation of each joint and channel so as to achieve the purpose of smooth channel and supply human body Yang Qi (positive energy). Arthritis usually affects large bones such as shoulders, hip, knees etc. Exercise can also be a treatment for arthritis. Then how to exercise to relieve shoulder pain?
1. Lean on the door
Standing in front of the door, holding the two sides of the wall and lifting your head slightly. Move your body slowly upward until you feel your shoulder is stretched and tight. Each time keeping this position for 15 to 30 Seconds and repeat three times.
How to Exercise to Relieve Shoulder Pain
2. Press door
A. Standing in front of the door and show your hands like below picture. Using the back of your hand and wrist to press the wall with strength. Repeating 5 -10 times and keeping 5 seconds each time. Change another hand to repeat.
B. Keeping same position and use palm to press the wall with strength. Repeating 5 -10 times and keeping 5 seconds each time. Change another hand to repeat.
How to Exercise to Relieve Shoulder Pain
3. Clock pendulum exercise
Standing behind the chair and holding the chair with the comfortable arm and hold down the painful shoulder. Then moving the arm like a circle centering for shoulder joint. Repeating 5 times and 2-3 times a day.
How to Exercise to Relieve Shoulder Pain
4. Shoulder joint stretching exercise.
Stand straight and move the shoulder up keeping 5 seconds. Then move shoulders backwards and then inwards to press both shoulders. Keeping 5 seconds and at last stretch the shoulders downwards keeping 5 seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times.
How to Exercise to Relieve Shoulder Pain
